Lévesque, Sophie

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Sophie Lévesque

L'artiste Sophie Lévesque

Sophie Levesque is a young artist from North-West New-Brunswick. She is currently living in her native town where she enjoys painting the landscape. She also likes to paint still-life paintings that are inspired by objects she has found or has been given. She is known for her bold light and her brushstrokes.

Sophie is inspired by the figurative expressionism movement. She has studied painting alongside professional artists of New-Brunswick and also took classes in visual arts at the University of St Thomas in New-Brunswick.

Sophie has had many solo shows to her name in New-Brunswick, she is also represented in Quebec by the Gallery Quebec Art. Sophie participates every year in symposiums.

She has also won different national contests for emerging artists: Defining Moments 2012 and Generation Art 2011. Her paintings are present in private collections in Canada and the United States.