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Francine Bouchard

Over the last twenty-five years, the artist has invested her time in experimenting and understanding the finer points of creation to hone her craft. This constant thriving for perfection is what is part of Francine Bouchard’s life as a member of the Québec Institute of Figurative Arts and the Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour.
A native of the Haute Mauricie region of Québec, she is very familiar with the deep forests, the lakes, and rivers of the area. She now makes her home in the Eastern Townships of south eastern part of the province in Hatley.
Her passion, determination and perseverance characterize her work as seen by others.
Self-taught in the techniques of acrylic painting, watercolour painting as well as mixed media, her urban life, nature scenes and life in general exude a very special ambiance and atmosphere. It is not the subject at hand which retains her attention, but rather the change which is brought about in her art.
Abstraction and figurative art blend into one in her portrayal of her subjects. Never wanting to impose, she prefers the audience to discover her message and each person is left free to view the work as they perceive it to be.
“My subjects spring forth from my imagination and with a stroke of the brush and colour take form. Often, without a preliminary drawing, the process of creation takes over and I take a leap of faith. As the light progressively glows leaving an almost surreal atmosphere.
In the end, the result is the reflection of all that has inspired me.”