The gallery

We welcome you to Galerie Québec Art! Located in the heart of Old Quebec directly at Place-Royale in a 17th century house, our gallery presents works by talented artists that you will enjoy discovering. The artists we represent work in various styles and multiple techniques, offering our visitors a great variety. From wild nature landscapes to abstract canvases, including street scenes, animals, characters of all kinds or even big city skyscrapers, the subjects of Québec Art’s paintings offer an experience where everyone will find something for them.

Welcome everyone!

Our mission

Galerie Québec Art was acquired by France Marcotte in June 2015. The businesswoman, who has always been passionate about art, decided in 2015 to fulfill a dream and embark on an adventure as a gallery owner in Old Quebec by acquiring two galleries, Galerie Québec Art and its neighbor, Galerie Douce Passion, which specializes in collector’s items. Her team is made up of passionate and dynamic people for whom art is an essential part of life. We invite you to regularly visit our website, constantly updated with news and various projects animating the whole team and, above all, to come and meet us at the gallery, where it will be our pleasure to welcome you.

Our staff

France Marcotte

Gallery owner

David Giroux

Director – Business Development

Ève Martineau

Art Consultant

Bruce Poliquin

Art Consultant